Thursday, January 22, 2015

Harley Quinn everyday wear

Doctor Who Keep Calm Pin | Hot Topic

WhoLock new and improved

Oh sweet Jesus this is my Christmas list

Wholock addicted

Friday, January 2, 2015

I'm back, did ya miss me?

Heeelllllllloooooooooo everyone! I am bored
What I like to pretend I do in my free time
Just, I'm scooting off to my mind palace now, bye!
Oh it gets lonely here, so I'm on under Emmy Rain so... Come visit

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Hi there, it's Wednesday!

Today on BBC at 6 pm, the Doctor Who Christmas Special will play again, fro those of you who missed it, I kmow that I did and I'm excited to see it, so grab your sonic screwdrivers and psychic papers, your 3D glasses and vortex manipulators, and cuddle up with another Whovian to watch it.