Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Hi there, it's Wednesday!

Today on BBC at 6 pm, the Doctor Who Christmas Special will play again, fro those of you who missed it, I kmow that I did and I'm excited to see it, so grab your sonic screwdrivers and psychic papers, your 3D glasses and vortex manipulators, and cuddle up with another Whovian to watch it.

Monday, December 29, 2014

Hello m'dears!

Hello to Timelords (and ladies) and Humans, I am now going to amaze you with the fact I know nobody reads this blog so.... I'm going to start just blogging every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
Ya know, to save time, unless I find somthing interesting to blog about, for now, I bid you adieu -

Sunday, December 28, 2014

I'm an M.I.T

Hi guys and gals and Raxacoricofalapatorians,Timelords, and Daleks alike! As you can see by the title of the post, I'm an M.I.T at the church that I go to. I go to North Mount Zion Church Of God
And I am in a church program there that helps the older children learn how to take care of the littler kids and teach them about God. I'm not typically a religious person on this blog so I'm not sure how long im going to talk about it, but anyway, this is a picture of her room I worked in today:
Wonderful kids, sweet, they paid attention....

Scooting on - 
I have a list of hilarious Fanfics
Cleanup on Isle 5 - Donna and 10 go shopping at Tesco, and 'Someone' gets bored.
maintenance  - "Donna! Thank goodness it’s you. I've been talking to myself all morning."
Halloween Who - All I'm gonna say is it's a sweet, short little fic.
 And one more my darlings
Son-in-Law -  “River... Your mother is abusing me!”

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Introduction to Sherlock (as done by John Watson)

Hello, everyone! I'm -as I'm sure you all know- John Watson. I need to warn you about Sherlock, so that when he (finally) decides if posting is (as he puts it) 'worth it'. Ember will be lucky if he hasn't deleted the blog from his 'Mind palace' already.... Well, anyway, he'll probably post pictures of victims, for your opinion (although, as long as Ember is moderator then you might not see anything like that) on it. He says it helps him get a new perspective, but secretly I think he just likes bothering other people, *sigh* What are you doing Sherlock? SHERLOCK! Gotta go, bye-

Bored again

I tend to write when I get bored, i just finished my fanfic and I must say, it's good, highly recommended, by of course ME!
Donna Noble: I have a very important question....The thing is- Jack flirts with anything with a pulse, so why won't he even hug me? (Although, you know, *sniffles* I'm still not bovverd)
Me: *Cracks a grin* My little children if you can awnser Donnas question and identify the reference in this post and give a little bio, I'll do a 'Sherlock' or 'the Doctor of your choice' meeting (drum roll please!) Lauren Cooper
-the Doctors companion and Sherlocks best friend, Ember Rain.

Just floating, bored

IM BORED JOHN! *Randomly shoots a wall* *Mutters* what if I reversed the polarity? Or maybe resonate some concrete.... AHA! I could create a wood setting for the Doctors screwdriver. Or pop in and visit Jack? Spill somthing on Sherlock's head while he's in his mind palace and pop out with a vortex manipulator? Graffiti the door to 221B Baker Street? Find the pool in the TARDIS? I dunno.
Jack Harkness: oh! Let's read a 9 chapter long Fanfiction about the TARDIS landing in a London with no zeppelins but not their own (221b Baker Street anyone?). I've always wanted to flirt with Sherlock Holmes
Me:BAD JACK! WE DONT JUMP SHERLOCK HERE! (Or at least I can -you can't) but, *sigh* We will read the fanfiction.....

If anyone wants a list of well put together Fanfics pertaining to WhoLock, then lemme know, through comments or contact form.....

Special shout out, Those of you who missed the Christmas Special: It will air again December 31, at 6:30 pm on BBC.

(TARDIS de-materializing sound)

Friday, December 26, 2014

That post I promised-



Hello Madelynn, it's fantastic to meet you! Have a nice day (night, whatever you want to call it)
For Madelynn :

Watching Doctor Who, and (un-ashamedly) reading (non-smutty) Fanfic

I am watching some Doctor Who (Season 4 Episode 8 - Silence in the Library) (Doctor Who - BBC Schedule) there is a link to the viewing schedule, for your convenience. But the fanfic I'm reading is Batman, mostly Red Hood, it's absolutely fantastic, he ends up with a sidekick of all things.  I'll be on later,  bored, asking questions, ya know, buh bye....

Oh Hello....

couldn't help myself, because I am starting my Osgood Cosplay

I'm ordering the lab coat and scarf off the internet, and the cool thing is that the glasses are prescription and I do have asthma, so that is a valid reason for them, cause at school they aren't allowed to wear anything that isn't required. So.... It's allowed. Wait a minute.. My mum knits, I could get her to knit me the scarf.... Ah anyway, expect a post somewhere into the middle of the night, so if you post a question, expect it to be awnsered tonight. 
-TTFN, Ta Ta For Now! (If you get the reference you'll get honorable mentioning tonight)

Oh and-

if you comment under the contact form and ask questions to the specific character, then they'll awnser you in a blog post, sometimes they'll just post, I'll awnser questions too. Ta ta-


Well, is this thing on? Well, here it goes.....
Hi, I'm Emmy Rain,and I am so excited to be here, I've been chilling on the couch, in my awesome skull-patterned house-shoes and batman pjs, watching Doctor Who (season 3 episode 1 - Daleks in Manhattan) , scratching my hands and feet, with a seasonal rash that I (weirdly) related to the Crimson Horror. I want to show y'all my favorite Christmas present, a beautiful makeup pallet from The Color Workshop! But blogger is being weird so it won't show the pictures, any who, was I rambling? Sometimes I ramble and it just goes on and - oh dear Rassilon, I'm rambling about rambling, this is bad, well, off to- SHERLOCK GET OUT OF THE TARDIS!